Discover 5 Top Startups creating Prefabricated Homes

Curious about new technological advancements? Explore our analysis of 392 global startups & scaleups and learn how their solutions for prefabricated homes impact your business!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into Smart Cities. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked startups creating prefabricated homes or “prefabs”.

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Top Startups creating Prefabricated Homes out of 392

The insights of this data-driven analysis are derived from the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 1.379.000+ startups & scaleups globally. The platform gives you an exhaustive overview of emerging technologies & relevant startups within a specific field in just a few clicks.

The Global Startup Heat Map below reveals the distribution of the 392 exemplary startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Further, it highlights 5 startups that we hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. You get to explore the solutions of these 5 startups & scaleups in this report. For insights on the other 387 prefabricated homes, get in touch.


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ecokit offers Plug-and-Play Style Houses

Prefabricated homes were initially proposed as affordable housing for the homeless. However, it is now increasingly becoming part of a circular economy lifestyle. Prefabs generate less waste than on-site construction processes and are reusable. Since smart cities focus on building sustainable and energy-efficient infrastructures, prefabricated structures are the ideal choice. That is why startups develop high-performance manufactured homes tailored to user preferences and comfort.

Australian startup ecokit uses the portal frame construction method to build resilient and customizable plug-and-play style prefabricated homes. The startup uses non-toxic, natural, and sustainable materials to make energy-efficient and healthy homes for home buyers, developers, and builders. Moreover, the startup’s low-cost, rapid build construction process utilizes digital manufacturing for high quality and performance. Ecokit’s block orientation, insulation, and airtight solutions for homes offer improved thermal performance, saving energy and cost.

Casa Duro develops Hurricane-Proof Houses

Prefab manufacturers adapt their design, construction, and demolition stages to improve the reusability and recyclability of the manufacturing materials. In doing so, prefabrication companies and building owners foster a circular economy framework. However, with a growing number of events related to climate change, the quality of prefabricated houses should withstand extreme climates as well. Startups now build modular house designs for severe weather conditions such as tornadoes and hurricanes.

Casa Duro is a Canadian startup that builds hurricane-proof prefab houses. The startup utilizes a proprietary building system to create energy-efficient and durable designs. Moreover, it streamlines its design approach to increase the use of recycled and sustainable materials. Casa Duro reduces material and resource consumption in the building process, further steering the production process towards a circular economy.

Plant Prefab provides LEED Platinum Modular Houses

The modularity of prefabs imparts reusability to their elements, components, panels, and entire modules. This is significant during their demolition stage as modules that have not reached the end of life can be reused in other structures. Startups utilize this to build novel design approaches to extend the reusability of modular components, aiding circularity. However, the critical constraint is to do so without compromising energy efficiency and durability.

Plant Prefab is a US-based startup dedicated to sustainable construction, materials, processes, and operations. The startup’s patented Plant Building System provides an efficient way to build single-family homes and accessory dwelling units. Moreover, their modular homes come in LEED Platinum and Gold standards with high energy efficiency using intelligent energy monitoring, LED lighting, and more.

Modulous builds an AI-enabled Construction Technology Platform

Designing a prefabricated home with circularity demands altering the conventional construction designs. Therefore, building information modeling (BIM) is an effective method to develop prefab designs to maximize durability and reusability. Computer-aided design (CAD) further enables prefab manufacturers to streamline production and bring millimeter-level precision. That is why startups digitize prefab designs to improve construction efficiency and reduce waste generation.

British startup Modulous develops an AI-enabled construction technology platform to enable high-speed design and delivery of sustainable homes worldwide. The startup uses generative design to design multiple strategies tailored to client demands. It also automates procurement and logistics during the approval process, seeking updates on stock levels and lead-in times, providing accurate cost plans. Modulous’ Kit of Parts are high-quality components packed and shipped to trained assemblers local to the project. This approach encourages local employment, protects the environment, and helps developers delivering homes at scale.

Mighty Building creates 3D-Printed Prefab Structures

Prefabrication allows developers to tailor homes to customer needs. Integrating 3D printing into the prefabrication process allows home developers to reduce waste. Startups now develop 3D-printed parts which are assembled at the building site. Additionally, using sustainable material in 3D-printing structures further pushes the prefabrication process towards circularity.

Mighty Building is a US-based startup that 3D-prints prefab structures with non-silicate light stone material (LSM) and steel components. The startup’s Mighty Kit System is a set of 3D-printed panels that provide high thermal resistance and durability. Further, the 3D printing approach generates virtually zero waste. Mighty Building uses 3D scanning for quality checks of the printed products. Plus, the company uses automated polyurethane (PU) foaming for thermal insulation in prefabs.

Discover more Startups

Startups such as the examples highlighted in this report focus on tiny homes, land utilization as well as smart furniture. While all of these technologies play a major role in advancing Smart Cities, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. To explore more technologies, simply get in touch to let us look into your areas of interest. For a more general overview, you can download our free Industry Innovation Reports to save your time and improve strategic decision-making.

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