Discover 5 Top Solutions that Detect Environmental Changes

Curious about new technological advancements? Explore our analysis of 177 global startups that detect environmental changes & learn how their solutions impact your business!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights on solutions across industries. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked startups that detect environmental changes.

Global Startup Heat Map: 5 Top Solutions That Detect Environmental Changes

The 5 startups that detect environmental changes you will explore below are chosen based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, and relevance of technology, among others. This analysis is based on the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 1.3 million startups & scaleups globally.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 5 startups & scaleups detecting environmental changes our Innovation Researchers curated for this report. Moreover, you get insights into regions that observe a high startup activity and the global geographic distribution of the 177 companies we analyzed for this specific topic.


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Who are the other 172 solutions that detect environmental changes?


UNDERSEE works on Water Quality Monitoring

Poor water quality negatively affects aquatic wildlife, thereby changing entire ecosystems. Startups and researchers offer water quality monitoring solutions to determine the presence of pollutants such as microplastics, organic matter, and agricultural run-off, as well as changes in water temperature. These solutions take continuous water measurements to display information in real-time and compare it to historical data to catch major changes.

Portuguese startup UNDERSEE develops a water monitoring solution for precision aquaculture and scientific projects. The startup’s water data acquisition system captures such parameters as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and salinity. The startup also provides monitoring services for aquatic farming, determining the position, size, and risks of algal blooms.

Climate City specializes in Climate Monitoring of Urban Areas

Rapid urbanization increases the vulnerability of cities and their susceptibility to climate change effects. This raises the demand for tracking and monitoring environmental changes in urban areas. To this avail, startups develop hyperlocal climate monitoring solutions that constantly collect data on weather, pollutants, and thermal surface conditions.

French startup Climate City provides hyperlocal climate monitoring for urban areas. The startup uses a network of tethered balloons and drones to capture sensor measurements of pollutants, temperature, humidity, and wind. By analyzing and modeling data, Climate City helps companies in construction, real estate, energy, and transportation to adjust planning strategies according to climate insights.

Cervest develops AI-based Climate Risk Prediction

Climate change, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events, urge businesses, investors, and governments to protect their valuable assets. However, the complexity and distribution of climate data hinder decision-making and asset resilience planning. Therefore, startups develop AI solutions that aggregate and analyze climate data to mitigate the economic impact of environmental changes.

British startup Cervest offers AI-based climate risk prediction solutions to businesses in the insurance, finance, and FMCG sectors, as well as for government institutions. The startup’s platform, EarthScan, uses machine learning (ML) to provide companies with climatic risk exposure information by monitoring climate signals such as extreme heat, flood, fire, and drought. Cervest tracks and analyses extreme weather events and climate shifts to assist companies and institutions in asset resilience and operational planning.

Koolock provides Satellite Thermal Imaging

Current environmental monitoring practices rely heavily on satellite sensing technology for large-scale spectral and spatial data. However, current solutions often lack image clarity and fail to update their data in time. Nevertheless, the utilization of infrared (IR) imaging allows environmentalists to achieve higher clarity of biomass health and emergencies. To help with this, startups develop satellite imagery solutions that enhance the detection of environmental changes.

US-based startup Koolock offers a satellite imaging system for biomass monitoring and natural disaster response. The startup employs both multispectral infrared and visible imagery to avoid obstruction such as clouds or fog. Koolock’s solutions enable the monitoring and tracking of biomass health, composition, and progress. Moreover, they also help detect the occurrence of fires, storms, and floods.

SGPR.TECH builds a Spectral Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology

Environmentalists and geophysicists use ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technology to monitor soil water content, soil depth, biogenic gases, and boundaries between subsurface materials. Pulse GPR, the commonly used GPR technique, requires frequent replacement of antennas which increases operation time. It also emits strong electromagnetic signals to obtain higher measurement accuracy, thereby causing electromagnetic interference (EMI). To address this, startups develop GPR solutions that are easier to operate and have a lower impact on the environment.

Polish startup SGPR.TECH develops spectral GPR technology for environmental monitoring. The startup builds both radar hardware and data processing software to monitor soil conditions and subsurface materials. It uses machine learning to enable the segmentation and classification of subsurface structures. This allows environmentalists to detect soil instability and groundwater composition changes. Additionally, SGPR.TECH provides subsurface monitoring services to companies in the construction and materials industries.

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