Top 10 Industries advancing Web3 Applications in 2023 & 2024

Curious about new technological advancements in the Web3 sector? Explore our analysis of 1235 global Web3 startups & scaleups impacting 10 industries and learn how their solutions, such as retail crowdfunding, decentralized communications, Web3 storage & more, advance your business!

Centralized platforms like Facebook and Amazon aggregate massive amounts of user-specific information inaccessible to users and other companies. Web3 applications tackles this by decentralizing the internet and returning the ownership of data back to the users, allowing them to decide how to use sensitive data. Decentralized internet enables businesses to better connect with their customers and offer personalized services.

We give you data-driven innovation insights based on our analysis of 1235 Web3 applications & startups so that you do not miss out on emerging solutions to improve customer satisfaction. Read more to explore the examples of Web3 on 10 industries and how they advance your business.

Tree Map reveals the Impact of Web3 Applications on 10 Industries

The Tree Map below illustrates the impact of Web3 on 10 industries in 2023 and 2024. FinTech sees the most activity among Web3 startups as their solutions improve data security and enable decentralized finance (DeFi). Retail, entertainment, and marketing industries leverage Web3 to enhance customer satisfaction.

Further, blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized network protocols allow communications and data management companies to decentralize IT infrastructure. On the other hand, smart contracts increase visibility into supply chain activities, which is why logistics and healthcare companies see Web3 adoption.

Lastly, tokenization and crypto transactions impact the real estate industry while scientific research communities integrate Web3 to enable decentralized science (DeSci).


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Global Startup Heat Map covers 1235 Web3 Startups & Scaleups

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the global distribution of the 1235 exemplary startups & scaleups that we analyzed for this research. Created through the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that covers 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally, the Heat Map reveals that the US has a high concentration of Web3 startups, followed by the UK.

Below, you get to meet 10 out of these 1235 promising startups & scaleups as well as the solutions they develop. These Web3 examples are hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.


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Examples of Web3 Applications on 10 Industries (2023-24)

1. FinTech

Web3 provides ownership and control of sensitive information back to the customers. It also uses blockchain-based infrastructure to offer open, decentralized database and compute layers for the FinTech industry. This enables them to decentralize financial workflows and mitigate data siloes due to centralized systems.

As a result, Web3 solutions in the financial services sector improve visibility into transactions and accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledgers. Moreover, it enables peer-to-peer (P2P) financial services and smart contracts while eliminating authoritative parties like banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).

Further, advances in cryptos and tokenization enhance the transition to Web3, enabling users to transact in decentralized platforms and the metaverse.

MELD develops a Non-Custodial DeFi Protocol

Based in the Cayman Islands, MELD is a Web3 startup developing a non-custodial DeFi protocol for lending, borrowing, and staking across multiple blockchains. It connects the crypto and traditional financial worlds through its MELDapp wallet and partnership with MELD Finance, a regulated neobank. Its MELD token provides access to these services while maintaining decentralization and security through smart contracts. Overall, MELD seeks to build an open and inclusive digital banking ecosystem.

2. Retail

The retail industry utilizes decentralized internet and infrastructure to directly connect with its customers and remove third parties like social media platforms. This, in turn, enables retailers to deliver ultra-personalized shopping experiences and reward customers for increased engagement.

Moreover, blockchain-based supply chain tracking enhances visibility into product sourcing and manufacturing. This allows brands to identify process inefficiencies and tackle counterfeits. The same data also enables customers to ensure the authenticity of products bought through eCommerce platforms and stores, improving consumer trust.

Token Republic aids Retail Crowdfunding

Token Republic is a New Zealand-based startup that develops a crowdfunding platform for eCommerce and retail businesses. It allows companies to issue tokens through the Ethereum blockchain and fund their projects. This provides secure proof of credits for token issuance, rewards, P2P lending, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Consequently, the platform improves transparency in transactions for investors while enhancing governance.

3. Entertainment

Transitioning to a decentralized network simplifies collaboration between users and replaces the need for centralized infrastructure. This opens up new opportunities for the entertainment industry to deliver services without content piracy risks. For example, increased adoption of metaverse will enable entertainment companies to create virtual concerts and events, increasing accessibility.

Web3 also allows artists to interact directly with customers. Further, blockchain imparts transparency into accounting and financials in entertainment companies, while NFTs empower audiences and drive fan engagement.

Livepeer develops a Decentralized Video Streaming Network

US-based startup Livepeer maintains a decentralized video streaming network built on Ethereum. It leverages underutilized resources at the consumer end like computing power and bandwidth, to power video transcoding. The network also features peer-to-peer content delivery, AI-enhanced content moderation, and video fingerprinting.

This allows developers to avail of cost-effective infrastructure and scale streaming services quickly. Additionally, the decentralized ecosystem monetizes the graphics processing unit (GPU) load through staking rewards while simultaneously mining cryptocurrency.

4. Communications

The decentralized internet automatically restricts data to a few devices instead of being vulnerable to malicious attacks by connecting to a centralized framework. As a result, businesses already use Web3-based blockchain-driven communication channels for encrypted and secure data transfer. This includes IT nodes that store company information in decentralized databases and email clients. Blockchain-based networks also aid the cyber governance of IT infrastructure while minimizing network downtimes and improving user convenience.

Notifi Hub enables Decentralized Communication

US-based startup Notifi Hub provides a suite of blockchain tools for notifications, real-time alerts, and growth marketing across DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and DAOs. Developers integrate Notifi’s APIs and SDKs to create seamless workflows for notifications and marketing in their dApps.

Marketers also use Notifi to connect with communities through email, Telegram, Discord, and SMS to improve user engagement and experience. Moreover, Individuals track transaction alerts, project updates, DAO proposals, NFT trends, and more using Notifi Hub.

5. Logistics

Distributed ledgers and smart contracts are the primary applications on Web3 in the logistics industry. They automate financial transactions and improve visibility into operations. That is why startups provide blockchain-based supply chain transparency solutions and decentralized logistics networks.

They also integrate into existing tools like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to improve operations. The immutability of blockchain further avoids data manipulation and allows logistics companies to trace back counterfeiting activities.

dexFreight builds a Decentralized Logistics Network

US-based startup dexFreight maintains an open, decentralized logistics network. It connects carriers, brokers, and shippers using smart contracts to handle transaction processing loads better. In addition, the platform removes the inherent distrust in data sharing due to the involvement of competing parties. Through this, logistics companies are able to automate workflows and secure documents, accelerating digitization.




6. Real Estate

The real estate industry leverages Web3, especially blockchain and crypto, to speed up transactions and decentralize operations. Startups thus develop smart contracts to eliminate intermediaries in real estate processes, reducing the selling price of properties. They further mitigate the need for lawyers and the costs involved in auditing contracts.

Additionally, blockchain-based data storage avoids fraud due to data manipulation. Real estate owners mint property ownership documents as tokens and transfer them to buyers, increasing transaction speeds. This also allows buyers to invest in real estate without buying the whole property.

Chelle Technology enables Decentralized Real Estate

Chelle Technology is a Canadian startup that offers AQRE, a decentralized real estate ecosystem. The startup’s proprietary cryptocurrency, Chelle Coin (CHL), allows customers to purchase physical properties and invest in its real estate NFTs through companion apps. They also support Bitcoin and Ethereum for transactions. This integrates tamper-proof databases into real estate workflows and mitigates data frauds.

7. Data Management

Decentralized data management reduces the cyber risks involved in IT infrastructure. Startups now develop protocols for peer-to-peer nodes that enable a group of devices to maintain their own network without centralized authentication systems. Consequently, it finds applications in business environments where access to the public internet is not mandatory, such as banks and edge data centers.

This also powers decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that replace centralized IT infrastructure with smart contracts. Therefore, smart contracts function as a data governance structure for digital data trusts and allow members to control organizational decisions.

Crust Network provides Web3 Metaverse Storage

Chinese startup Crust Network provides a decentralized storage network for the metaverse. The startup’s network leverages the Polkadot ecosystem and offers a native cross-chain communication pallet. Moreover, the network supports multiple storage-layer protocols, like InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and allows data manipulation and computing.

Its open architecture allows any storage server to join the network while ensuring proof of stake (PoS). This accelerates the metaverse development in a decentralized ecosystem, improving accessibility and market penetration.

8. Healthcare

Smart contracts are the core of Web3 in healthcare as it breaks electronic health record (EHR) siloes from centralized, cloud-based systems. Moreover, the ownership of these records is transferred to patients as immutable ledgers, which are accessible by hospitals. This allows healthcare institutions to tackle the concerns around data compliance and privacy.

Further, blockchain-based supply chain automation improves the transparency in medical goods supply, allowing healthcare facilities to identify inefficiencies. It also enables them to counter drug counterfeiting activities, as well as predict demand and optimize supply.

Eggschain advances Biospecimen Custody Tracking

Eggschain is a US-based startup that develops a blockchain-based biospecimen custody tracking solution. It uses blockchain to securely store supply chain data and track sperm, eggs, embryos, cord blood, and stem cells. This allows labs, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and cryogenic preservation industries to improve process efficiency and inspection readiness. At the same time, Eggschain’s solution enables clinicians and consumers are able to ensure the protection of genetic material.

9. Research

Web3 and DAO enable decentralized science and impact the funding and monetization of scientific research. DeSci removes centralized control of research institutions and makes the research process more open to researchers. This includes provisions for decentralized funding, peer-reviewing, and research sharing, among others.

For instance, some startups develop decentralized peer-reviewing platforms driven by smart contracts and blockchain. They accelerate the journal reviewing process and mitigate idea theft as timestamping in the blockchain is permanent. Further, science DAOs connect investors, entrepreneurs, and institutions to improve decision-making and advance scientific research.

Assembl facilitates Decentralized Research Collaboration

Assembl is a Swiss startup that builds a scientific network for decentralized research collaboration. The network mints blockchain-based timestamps for each research project to prove the originality of discovery and allow researchers to choose from a range of licensing agreements.

Additionally, Assembl’s network is compliant with various data storage standards, including GDPR and HIPAA, and creates proof of transfer certificates for data provenance. These features enable researchers to mitigate idea theft and avoid a lack of proper research credit recognition.

10. Marketing Tech

Since decentralization is the primary aspect of Web3, marketing companies leverage it to directly reach customers and improve engagement. Increased adoption of dApps allows brands to be a part of decentralized communities and utilize customer-specific data without privacy or data compliance issues.

Moreover, easy access to customer data improves ad targeting precision and enables hyper-personalization. Consequently, Web3 marketing allows brands and businesses to drive sales and profits. The semantic search aspect of the Web3 ecosystem also enables customers to find relevant products and services quickly, increasing conversion.

Web3m simplifies Web3 Marketing

Israeli startup Web3m provides a Web3-ready marketing platform. It combines conventional and decentralized marketing channels through a P2P monetization layer to maximize ads-monetization gains. The platform further uses on-chain bidding to ensure fair and transparent transactions. This allows advertisers and content creators to mitigate centralized platforms like Facebook or Google and improve profit distribution.

Discover All Web3 Applications & Startups

Advances in blockchain and high-performing computing systems will accelerate the adoption of Web3 across industries. It benefits both businesses and customers while eliminating the growing concerns around data privacy and theft. Examples of Web3-ready applications to smoothen the IT infrastructure transition from centralized systems to a decentralized internet. This will allow businesses to avoid downtimes and cater to customers in both segments. Get in touch to identify specific Web3 startups & solutions that advance your business!

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