10 Top Industry 4.0 Startups to Watch in 2023

Curious about startups that will impact Industry 4.0? Discover 10 hand-picked Industry 4.0 Startups to Watch in 2023 in this report & learn what their solutions have in store for your business!

Thousands of new startups are founded every year – emerging companies with the potential to disrupt industry 4.0. To give you a head-start on emerging technologies & startups that will impact the manufacturing sector in 2023, we analyzed a total of 1 529 global industry 4.0 startups & scaleups. Meet 10 of the most promising startups to watch!

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 10 Industry 4.0 Startups to Watch in 2023

Out of 1 529, the 10 Industry 4.0 startups to watch are chosen through the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally. As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to scout relevant startups, emerging technologies & future industry trends quickly & exhaustively.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 10 Industry 4.0 startups you should watch in 2023 as well as the geo-distribution of the other 1 519 startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. We hand-picked the 10 highlighted Industry 4.0 startups based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, the relevance of technology, & funding, among others.

10 Industry 4.0 Startups to Watch in 2023 | StartUs Insights

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Robco manufactures Modular Robots

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Robco is a German startup that develops modular robot kits and software-based automation solutions. The startup’s robot-as-a-service solution provides 2 to 7-axis robots with changeable modules for high uptime and flexibility. Besides, the startup’s robotic automation guide proposes the most suitable robot setup along with virtual training based on lidar scans of the production environment. Moreover, the robots are plug-and-play, feature multiple sizes for mass customization, as well as use cloud-based analytics and interfaces. Robco’s robots thus find applications in automating a wide range of industrial tasks such as machine tending, palletizing, material handling, welding, and assembly.

i4Twins facilitates Digital Twin Creation

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i4Twins is a Canadian startup that makes a no-code digital twin platform to build, validate, simulate, and test industrial designs. It features status twins, operational twins, and simulation twins through an online browser-based electronic prototyping workspace. Besides, the open platform supports multiple operating systems, uses artificial intelligence (AI), and contains a repository to share and manage designs and descriptions. As a result, i4Twins’ platform enables engineers and factory designers to create and experiment on different physical topologies.

iSIMplatform aids Factory Management

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Turkish startup iSIMplatform makes a software platform to digitize factory equipment and operations. It manages smart and integrated industrial systems through 2D and 3D maps and models. The platform’s other features include on-premise and cloud installation, fully web-based architecture, as well as adaptive and simultaneous updatable workflows. This way, the startup’s solution allows factory owners and operators to monitor equipment in real time and receive instant notifications and reports.

Capteurio enables Predictive Maintenance

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Canadian startup Capteurio provides internet of things (IoT) and AI-based solutions for industrial equipment maintenance. The startup’s products are CAPTEUR TEMP and CAPTEUR CTH. They monitor temperate and air quality data to provide real-time analytics on machines. Moreover, the startup’s other product, CapteurX, monitors key equipment parameters while leveraging AI and machine learning to provide meaningful decisions. CapteurX prevents unplanned downtime from breakdowns and lets employees monitor equipment from their mobile devices.

Xentara advances Smart Manufacturing

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German startup Xentara develops a smart manufacturing platform that integrates with common protocols, field buses, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It is installable on devices like PCs, Raspberry Pis, or even on the cloud as well as follows existing data streams and infrastructure. Additionally, the startup’s companion app for smartphones and tablets provides a wide range of visualization tools and parameters with live machine data for direct comparison. Further, the startup’s edge control and computing system integrates into existing machines and collects data without influencing existing controls. Consequently, the startup’s solutions enable industries to digitize their operations and remotely monitor their equipment with minimal capital and operating expenditure.




Dfxbot simplifies Physical Storage Tracking

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Indian startup Dfxbot creates IoT-based sensors for real-time inventory tracking and management. They leverage edge computing to communicate inventory data in real time with complete logs of all inventory transactions. Additionally, the startup offers an interactive dashboard with information on usage, cycle time, and inventory expenses. Dfxbot’s sensors improve clarity in the inventory cycle and cash flow to prevent production line stoppage.

MINT streamlines Cold Room Monitoring

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Italian startup MINT provides IoT-based solutions to monitor the temperature inside storage systems. The startup’s product, MET, is an easy-to-install solution that periodically detects the temperature of storage systems and automatically records the values. MINT also offers a web interface to view historical temperature data and provide site inspections and assessments for ideal sensor placements. Additionally, MET has customizable control thresholds for each storage system. It sends notifications and alarms about the same to the users via the app, email, or sms. MINT’s cold room monitoring solution finds applications in the farming, pharmaceutical, and food industries.

FloWide enables Smart Intralogistics

FloWide is a UK-based startup that creates solutions to track vehicles within warehouses, yards, and shop floors. The startup’s forklift monitoring device provides improved visibility of forklift activities with continuous location tracking and indoor mapping with proximity sensors. It also automates the tracking of work-in-progress (WIP) and inventory by installing additional sensors on forklift trucks. Further, Flowide’s low-code location intelligence software platform, Workbench, enables data scientists to extract operational insights from factory-level location data.

Mantis Robotics makes Collaborative Robots

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US-based startup Mantis Robotics develops responsive robots for flexible factories and warehouse environments. They use tactile sensing and safety motion technology to eliminate the need for fences and external safety devices. The fenceless robots utilize physical intelligence to increase productivity and flexibility in both structured and unstructured environments. Mantis Robotics’ solution makes work environments with humans and collaborative robots much safer while reducing the space occupied by current robotic systems.

WareBee delivers Warehouse Digital Twins

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UK-based startup WareBee offers WareBee Designer, a digital twin platform to automate decision-making processes in warehouse operations. It guides users through the process of creating a 2.5D model of warehouses. This includes floor, areas and zones, aisle types, access limits, racking profiles, and more. Additionally, the platform’s models feature stock bay and location view, item information, and picking path sequence visualization. The platform’s warehouse analytics further provides warehouse managers with data-driven decisions while its warehouse auditing automates compliance monitoring and reduces risks.

Discover All Emerging Industry 4.0 Startups

The Industry 4.0 startups showcased in this report are only a small sample of all startups we identified through our data-driven startup scouting approach. Download our free Industry 4.0 Innovation Report for a broad overview of the industry or get in touch for quick & exhaustive research on the latest technologies & emerging solutions that will impact your company in 2023!

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