10 Top Artificial Intelligence Startups to Watch in 2023

What’s next after ChatGPT? Explore 10 hand-picked AI Startups to Watch in 2023 in this data-driven report. Based on our analysis of 3751 startups & scaleups, discover 10 AI-powered solutions spanning from security checks, asset monitoring, drug discovery, document processing, and more.

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 10 Artificial Intelligence Startups to Watch in 2023

Through the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally, we identified 3751 Artificial Intelligence startups. The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 10 AI startups you should watch in 2023 as well as the geo-distribution of all 3751 startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Based on the heat map, we see high startup activity in the US and Western Europe. These 3751 startups work on solutions ranging from asset monitoring and demand forecasting to business automation and automated lead generation.


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As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to identify relevant technologies and industry trends quickly & exhaustively. Based on the data from the platform, the Top 5 AI Startup Hubs are in London, New York, San Francisco, Bangalore, and Singapore. The 10 hand-picked startups highlighted in this report are chosen from all over the world and develop solutions for several applications and industries, for example, health monitoring, drug discovery, business automation, voice bots, and much more.

10 Top Artificial Intelligence Startups to Watch in 2023

This report describes several technology solutions, each leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms. From plug-and-play platform solutions to health monitoring platforms that integrate cloud computing, startups are working to analyze data from sensors to offer predictive analytics and pattern recognition tools. Similarly, drug design platforms use machine learning algorithms to predict the efficacy and safety of potential drug candidates. There is also an AI medical dictation platform that transcribes conversations between doctors and patients in real-time, simplifying audio and text management. Finally, there are voice bots, chatbots, and customer engagement solutions that automate lead generation for businesses, improve customer interactions and drive business growth.

Auxilia offers AI-powered Security Checks

French startup Auxilia makes AIRIS, a plug-and-play baggage security check platform. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze X-ray images of luggage and cargo. This simplifies security checks and allows security teams to automatically detect weapons or other threats. For this, the platform connects to existing X-ray scanners and analyzes the images in real-time to alert security agents upon identifying threats. Moreover, the platform does not collect or communicate any data to outside networks to improve security. Auxilia’s platform thus accelerates passenger flows in locations, such as airports, by making security checks safer and more efficient.

Seetalabs simplifies Transformer Health Monitoring

Seetalabs is an Italian startup that develops RoninAI, a transformer health monitoring platform. It combines machine learning algorithms and cloud computing to analyze data from sensors preinstalled on transformers. The platform then calculates a health index for each transformer based on parameters like temperature, oil pressure, and dissolved gas analysis. With this data, RoninAI provides condition status while enabling anomaly detection, failure prediction, load forecasting, and asset valuation. Additionally, it integrates with SCADA systems and internet of things (IoT) devices. Consequently, RoninAI helps power suppliers to prioritize maintenance activities, prevent power outages caused by transformer faults, and optimize asset management.

Phronesis AI enables Autonomous Drug Discovery

Phronesis AI is a US-based startup that develops LIME, a molecular drug design platform. It leverages machine learning algorithms to predict the efficacy and safety of potential drug candidates. This allows for faster and more accurate identification of promising compounds. As a result, the platform reduces the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. Phronesis AI’s platform accelerates the drug development process while maintaining accuracy and safety.

parol aids Medical Dictation

Romanian startup parol creates an eponymous AI medical dictation platform. It transcribes conversations between doctors and patients in real-time, simplifying audio and text management. The startup’s companion iOS app also uses natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition to capture and analyze medical conversations. The AI voice detection module within the app detects human voices and starts transcribing them automatically to generate accurate and structured notes. The platform also allows doctors to share these notes and audio with the relevant medical teams and colleagues. This allows them to save time, improve documentation quality, and enhance patient care.

AI Endurance offers AI-driven Physical Training

AI Endurance is a Canadian startup that makes an AI-based physical training app. It creates personalized training plans for runners, cyclists, and triathletes. For this, the app analyzes data from global positioning system (GPS) watches, smartphones, and power meters within the training equipment to predict performance and adjust exercise plans accordingly. It also syncs with the user’s devices to predict performance. AI Endurance’s scientific and data-driven approach allows fitness providers to improve fitness and endurance.




Turbotic facilitates Business Automation

Turbotic is a Swedish startup that develops Houston 2.0, a cloud-based business automation and optimization platform. It manages the technologies needed for intelligent automation. The platform’s dashboard provides end-to-end visibility, orchestration, monitoring, and governance of automation solutions in one single interface. It features five modules that allow businesses to manage automation ideas, analyze processes, and use best practices to speed up projects. Additionally, businesses are able to track key performance indicators (KPIs) in real time and monitor their returns on investment. Turbotic, in turn, enables businesses to scale up their automation capabilities, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experience.

DeepJudge aids Legal Document Processing

Swiss startup DeepJudge provides an AI-powered platform for legal document processing. It leverages deep learning and NLP to understand the context and content of legal documents, like contracts, agreements, and invoices. The platform then automatically anonymizes sensitive information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. This ensures data privacy and compliance with regulations. DeepJudge’s platform thus improves efficiency by automating tasks such as document analysis, review, summarization, extraction, and generation. It also allows lawyers and legal professionals to save time, and reduce errors.

Sentient Sports delivers Recruitment Simulations

Sentient Sports is a UK-based startup that creates an artificial intelligence and data analytics platform to improve hiring in the sports industry. Professional sports teams and organizations use the platform’s generative model to produce unique insights using live data on player performance, risk, transfer forecasts, and more. The startup uses 14 proprietary metrics to help teams simulate player performance after transfer. The platform predicts the chemistry and tactical fit of players with existing teams and also projects their potential return on investment. As a result, Sentient Sports’ platform improves decision-making in the sports industry.

HardClikk creates a Metaverse eCommerce Platform

Indian startup HardClikk develops an AI-based metaverse eCommerce platform. It enables customers to interact with realistic 3D models of products and negotiate prices with AI-based bargaining. The platform also lets them try on clothes and accessories on metaverse avatars and explore virtual environments with immersive gaming elements. For this, HardClikk leverages machine learning and cloud computing to offer customer insights, low return rates, high satisfaction levels, and direct-to-avatar sales. HardClikk’s platform bridges the gap between eCommerce and in-store shopping experiences, enabling online shoppers to visit virtual stores and interact with products.

Stellar AI makes Conversational Voice Bots

Stellar AI is a Singaporean startup that offers AI-powered voice bots, chatbots, and customer engagement solutions. The startup trains its chatbots on human language models to enable accurate mimicking of humanized communication. This ensures more professional and personalized customer interactions. The startup also automates lead generation for specific business types, ranging from insurance and property management to business-to-business (B2B) products. Stellar AI’s voice bots allow businesses to improve their customer interactions and lead generation, driving engagement and business growth.

Discover All Emerging Artificial Intelligence Startups

The artificial intelligence startups showcased in this report are only a small sample of all startups we identified through our data-driven startup scouting approach. Download our free Industry Innovation Reports for a broad overview of the industry or get in touch for quick & exhaustive research on the latest technologies & emerging solutions that will impact your company in 2023!

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