5 Top Mining Startups to Watch in 2022

Curious about startups that will impact the mining & exploration industry? Discover 5 hand-picked Mining Startups to Watch in 2022 in this report & learn what their solutions have in store for your business!

Thousands of new startups are founded every year — emerging companies with the potential to disrupt the mining industry. To give you a head-start on emerging technologies and startups that will impact the mining & exploration sector in 2022, we analyzed a total of 764 global mining startups & scaleups. Meet 5 of the most promising startups to watch!

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Mining Startups to Watch in 2022

Out of 764, the 5 mining startups to watch are chosen through the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 2 093 000+ startups & scaleups globally. As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to scout relevant startups, emerging technologies & future industry trends quickly & exhaustively.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 5 mining startups you should watch in 2022 as well as the geo-distribution of the other 759 startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. We hand-picked the 5 highlighted mining startups based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, the relevance of technology, and funding, among others.

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TheiaX offers Mineral Spectroscopy

Cover-1-Mining-2022-Startups-StartUs-Insights-noresize Founding Year: 2021
Location: Freiberg, Germany
Innovate with TheiaX for Raw Material Discovery

German startup TheiaX uses mineral spectroscopy to advance raw material discovery and characterization. The startup’s solution, TheiaX CORE, identifies spectrally diagnostic minerals and their composition. It then maps their relative distribution, allowing the delineation of alteration domains. The startup’s other solutions, TheiaX PIT and TheiaX MAP, enable semi-quantitative mineral abundance estimation and photogeological interpretation. This mineralogical data allows mine geologists to track ore types and take informed decisions on ore-waste separation.

KorrAI provides Mining Site Digital Twins

Cover-2-Mining-2022-Startups-StartUs-Insights-noresize Founding Year: 2020
Location: Halifax, Canada
Reach out to KorrAI for Mining Operation Visualization

Canadian startup KorrAI offers mining site digital twins through its cloud-based platform. The platform uses spectral images to create 3D representations of mining operations and provide insights into surficial mineral signatures. It reduces risks to infrastructure and the local environment by monitoring mass movement and surface deformation. Further, the platform enables users to simulate site risk scenarios and interact with the 3D environment. Thus, KorrAI allows mining professionals to focus their field efforts on higher-value targets and train themselves better for on-site mining operations.

GeoKinesia advances Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)

Cover-3-Mining-2022-Startups-StartUs-Insights-noresize Founding Year: 2020
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Use GeoKinesia’s Solution for Remote Sensing

Spanish startup GeoKinesia builds a web-based geotechnical platform that leverages InSAR. It is a remote sensing technology that detects and measures displacements of land surfaces and structures. The platform provides historical analysis, synoptic view, and continuous measurements without any in situ presence. Once a user selects an area of interest, period, and types of analysis, the platform sends a report using an advanced class of InSAR processing technique — persistent scatterer interferometric chain of geomatics (PSIG). This way, GeoKinesia allows mine managers to remotely monitor sites along with early warnings and risk predictions.

VerAI offers AI-based Mineral Asset Generation

Cover-4-Mining-2022-Startups-StartUs-Insights-noresize Founding Year: 2020
Location: Boston, USA
Partner with VerAI for Mineral Discovery

VerAI is a US-based startup that streamlines AI-based mineral asset generation. The startup’s proprietary platform uses machine learning to detect concealed mineral deposits in underexplored covered terrains. VerAI partners with explorers to build its platform’s asset portfolios. It then utilizes these datasets to dentify the location of economic mineral deposits, addressing the challenge of undercover exploration. Thus, by increasing the probability of success in mineral discovery, VerAI enables mining companies to significantly shorten targeting time and reduce operational costs.

Opaxe develops a Mining Company Database

Cover-5-Mining-2022-Startups-StartUs-Insights-noresize Founding Year: 2019
Location: West Perth, Australia
Collaborate with Opaxe for Market Research

Opaxe is an Australian startup that provides a mining company database for the mining and minerals industry. The startup’s software platform, myopaxe, collects, collates, and republishes company announcements by resource companies listed on the world’s major stock exchanges. These announcements cover all aspects of the mining life cycle from initial exploration to production, enabling quick access to required information. The platform also produces business insights that allow mining professionals and investors to make informed decisions.

Discover All Emerging Mining Startups

The 764 mining startups showcased in this report are only a small sample of all startups we identified through our data-driven startup scouting approach. Download our free Industry Innovation Reports for a broad overview of the industry or get in touch for quick & exhaustive research on the latest technologies and emerging solutions that will impact your company in 2022!

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