4 Top Augmented Reality Analysis Tools In Industry 4.0

We analyzed 138 Augmented Reality Analysis tools for Industry 4.0. Holo-Light, RE’FLEKT, Torch3D, and Upskill are our 4 startups to watch out for. Learn more in our Global Startup Heat Map!

Our Innovation Analysts recently looked into emerging technologies and up-and-coming startups in Industry 4.0. As there is a large number of startups working on a wide variety of solutions, we decided to share our insights with you. This time, we are taking a look at 4 promising Augmented Reality (AR) Analysis Tools & Dashboards.

Heat Map: 4 Top Augmented Reality Analysis Tools

For our 4 top picks, we used a data-driven startup scouting approach to identify the most relevant solutions globally. The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights 4 interesting examples out of 138 relevant solutions. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.

Augmented Reality Analysis Tools Global Heat Map StartUs Insights

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Who develops the other 134 Augmented Reality Analysis tools?


Holo-Light – Quality Control

Augmented Reality brings a number of benefits to the quality control field, allowing to simplify manual assembly and inspection process and improving processes of part kitting, sequencing as well as field workers’ training.

The German company Holo-Light creates AR-powered industry 4.0 solutions focusing on quality control and prototyping. Through a headset, engineers can examine 3D CAD models of products, check their compliance with various production standards and ensure the correct functioning of prototypes.

RE’FLEKT – Maintenance

Maintenance is becoming much more efficient thanks to augmented reality and its versatility. The technology allows for smart and preventive machinery maintenance as it visualizes and alerts workers of equipment malfunctions.

German RE’FLEKT develops the Reflect One AR Platform, which empowers manufacturing employees in maintaining various machinery and equipment by giving them hands-free access to maintenance instructions and guidance, machines state, and much more.

Torch3D – Design

Product design and prototyping constitute an integral part of any manufacturer’s operations. AR makes the process of creating and approving manufacturing design considerably faster and more efficient thus shortening the product development cycle. As an example, the multinational corporation Thysenkrupp partnered with Microsoft and its Hololens to move the process of developing and approving staircase design to augmented reality by measuring and creating 3D augmented prototypes.

Startups such as Torch 3D also create various augmented reality prototyping and design platforms for manufacturers and creators around the world.

Upskill – Assembly

Over the years, large machinery manufacturers have developed standards and assembly instructions for their field employees. As the products become more advanced though, AR comes in handy by allowing workers to receive hands-free guidance and utilize up-to-date interactive manuals in the production process.

The US-based company Upskill specializes in developing custom AR industrial-grade software and platforms. Together with Boeing, it has developed a solution for the aircraft manufacturer’s sophisticated wiring assembly stage. Employees use the Google Glasses to refer to interactive overlayed manuals, as well as identification tools and barcode scanners to confirm the correct wires are in place.

What About The Other 134 Augmented Reality Analysis Tools?

While we believe data is key to creating insights it can be easy to be overwhelmed by it. Our ambition is to create a comprehensive overview and provide actionable innovation intelligence for your Proof of Concept (PoC), partnership, or investment targets. The 4 startups showcased above are promising examples out of 138 we analyzed for this article. To identify the most relevant solutions based on your specific criteria and collaboration strategy, get in touch.

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