5 Top Emerging 5G Network Solutions

We analyzed 41 fifth-generation (5G) network solutions impacting the telecommunication sector. Nonlinear Materials Corporation, Expeto, Polte, X-Cite & W5RTC develop 5 top solutions to watch out for. Learn more in our Global Startup Heat Map!

Our Innovation Analysts recently looked into emerging technologies and up-and-coming startups working on solutions for the telecom sector. As there is a large number of startups working on a wide variety of solutions, we decided to share our insights with you. This time, we are taking a look at 5 promising 5G network solutions.

Heat Map: 5 Top 5G Network Solutions

Using our StartUs Insights Platform, covering 1.379.000+ startups & scaleups, we looked at innovation in the field of telecommunication. For this research, we identified 41 relevant solutions and picked 5 to showcase below. These companies are chosen based on a data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, and relevance of technology, among others. Depending on your specific criteria, the top picks might look entirely different.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights 5 startups & scaleups developing innovative 5G network solutions. Moreover, the Heat Map reveals regions that observe a high startup activity and illustrates the geographic distribution of all 41 companies we analyzed for this specific topic.


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Which startups develop the other 36 solutions?


Nonlinear Materials Corporation – Optoelectronics

Fifth-generation wireless networks play a vital role in enabling technologies, such as cloud computing, by reducing the time and latency in data transfer. Both of these are key factors for businesses that rely on cloud computing infrastructure. Currently, the potential of 5G networks is only limited by the network of cables that transfer the data. Startups are innovating in high-performance data transmission materials to help realize seamless 5G networks.

The US-based startup Nonlinear Materials Corporation develops organic nonlinear optical materials for high-speed data transfer. The benefits of organic optoelectronics include higher stability and power efficiency, as well as increased bandwidth. The application areas of the material extend beyond telecommunications to include optical computing and radio frequency (RF) photonics.

Expeto – Enterprise Networking

Enterprise networking is the core of corporate information technology (IT). It is vital to ensure the smooth operation of all areas of a company, with any disruption in the network causing an immediate, and sometimes adverse, impact. As companies rush to integrate 5G networks, startups and scaleups provide enterprise networking frameworks to facilitate the transition.

Canadian startup Expeto provides an enterprise-controlled networking platform to connect private and public networks. The platform uses cloud computing, 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to simplify the management of devices and data within an enterprise. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) networking platform containerizes network functions, which later ensure the easy deployment of the platform from an edge network to any cloud.

Polte – Cloud Location over Cellular (C-LoC)

Location-based tracking data have various logistics and supply chain applications, from tracking large cargo vehicles to small packages, in a warehouse. Acquiring the location data of objects or sensors located outdoors is not a challenge as there is no hindrance to the propagation of signals. However, it is difficult for indoor tracking, which often requires multiple beacons in the interior of buildings to transmit and receive signals.

The US-based startup Polte specializes in C-LoC technology. The startup’s location technology works by detecting all long-term evolution (LTE), 4G, and 5G signals from surrounding towers. Polte’s location engine calculates the position of the object in real-time using the startup’s patented super resolution-based algorithms.

X-Cite – Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is increasingly an important aspect of digital outreach for both existing and potential customers. However, many companies, especially small businesses, are still a long way from thinking about integrating with 5G. High costs for cloud computing and high-speed internet further prevent businesses from achieving their digital potential. 5G network solutions, along with cloud computing and IoT, are significant drivers for the transition toward large-scale digitalization adoption.

X-Cite is a Luxembourg-based startup that specializes in the process of digital transformation. The startup’s service is centered on supporting the digital transformation by managing the orchestration of the network and IT functions. X-Cite also designs communication networks to support 5G.

W5RTC – 5G Development and Testing

As the adoption rate of 5G networks increases among companies and consumers, the demand for the 5G-dependant content is also bound to increase. In today’s economy, video streaming services are rapidly gaining customers, pushing current networking technology to its limit. Startups that offer 5G development and testing are enabling companies to transition to 5G.

Canadian startup W5RTC design, develop, and test applications for web, mobile, application programming interfaces (APIs), and desktop platforms. The startup’s expertise in the domain of 5G networks allows them to build applications that support standardized RESTful API. The solutions leverage service-oriented interfaces and architecture as defined in third-generation partnership program (3GPP) specifications, among others.

What About The Other 36 Solutions?

While we believe data is key to creating insights it can be easy to be overwhelmed by it. Our ambition is to create a comprehensive overview and provide actionable innovation intelligence that enables you to achieve your goals faster. The 5 5G network solutions showcased above are promising examples out of 41 we analyzed for this article. To identify the most relevant solutions based on your specific criteria, get in touch.

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