5 Top Prevention Solutions Tackling The Coronavirus Pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, stakeholders are racing against time to implement prevention solutions to flatten the curve. We analyzed 121 startups & emerging companies working on these solutions and showcase Aseptic Health, Aeris Health, RespoKare, EzySpit, and BlueDot in this article!

Our Innovation Analysts recently looked into emerging technologies and up-and-coming startups working on prevention solutions for the coronavirus pandemic.

Heat Map: 5 Top COVID-19 Prevention Solutions

We use a data-driven startup scouting approach to identify the most relevant solutions globally. The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights 5 interesting examples out of 121 relevant solutions. We analyzed technology-driven prevention solutions that tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Aseptic Health, Aeris Health, RespoKare, EzySpit, and BlueDot develop 5 top solutions to watch out for.


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BlueDot – Infectious Disease Surveillance

Effective disease tracking and surveillance are essential to control the spread of pandemics, such as the global coronavirus pandemic. The community spread of infectious viruses like COVID-19 occurs at an alarming rate. This makes it increasingly difficult for authorities to track down and predict the spread of diseases, and thereby slows down effective risk management strategies.

BlueDot is a Canadian startup offering software products that assist governments, hospitals, and businesses in infectious disease surveillance. BlueDot Insights uses big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to safeguard frontline healthcare workers and populations from an epidemic outbreak as well as send real-time alerts. The cloud-based BlueDot Explorer is a GIS platform integrated with a variety of datasets such as global air travel and near real-time disease surveillance. The startup’s products ensure timely communication of critical information, reduce the chances of operational bottlenecks in healthcare, and check community transmission of infections.

Aeris Health – Air Filtration System

Staying indoors is an effective way to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the indoor air in big cities is often not much safer than the outside air as it contains adverse microbes and pollutants. Air filtration systems use ultraviolet (UV) rays and ozone to kill harmful bacteria and viruses.

The US-based startup Aeris Health manufactures smart indoor air purifiers together with their accessories. The aair Medical Pro is a hospital-grade air filtration system with a high HEPA rating. It removes up to 99.7% of airborne pollutants and microbes, including bacteria, viruses, mold, dust, and pollen. The solution comes with a patented anti-microbial coating that destroys airborne pathogens without using UV rays while proprietary sensor technology and software embedded in the system track the air quality and automatically adjust the settings.

Aseptic Health – Disinfectant

The highly contagious SARS-CoV-2 survives on a contaminated surface or object for anywhere between a few hours to a few days. The use of disinfectants is one of the easiest prevention solutions that kills harmful microbes present in our surroundings. However, many commercially available disinfectants cause irritation to the eyes and skin, emit a foul odor, or are corrosive.

The US-based startup Aseptic Health produces hospital-grade disinfectants for use on all kinds of surfaces. The startup offers Aseptic Plus, an odorless disinfectant that kills bacteria, viruses, mold, and mildew. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered solution kills microbes by altering sulfur-containing amino acids present in them, which are essential for their survival.

EzySpit – Spittoon

Human-to-human spread of the coronavirus happens through either close contact with an infected person or by inhaling their respiratory droplets. Salivary droplets transmit several viruses such as coronavirus, rhinovirus, flu virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and type 1 herpes, among others. During a pandemic, public spitting exponentially increases the chance of community transmission of the virus. For instance, COVID-19 can survive in the air for up to 3 hours, according to current research.

Indian startup EzySpit creates eco-friendly and biodegradable spittoons. The patented solution solidifies any liquid waste into granules and is equipped with materials that kill microbes present in saliva, making it safe to dispose of after usage.

RespoKare – Antiviral Mask

The novel coronavirus (nCoV) spreads through coughs or sneezes from an infected person that may land on people nearby. In addition to frequent hand washing, using masks is an effective hygiene strategy to check its spread in the community, especially in the medical community. Proper facial masks prevent the entry of respiratory droplets that may contain containing virus particles.

Hong Kong-based Innonix Technologies uses patented active protection technology to produce antiviral face masks. The FDA-approved RespoKare masks consist of four-layers and come with an antiviral layer that contains copper and zinc ions. These ions inactivate viruses, including coronaviruses, along with bacteria and fungi.

How To Flatten The Curve?

This is an unprecedented situation for many of us across the world. The SARS outbreak in the early 2000s claimed 774 lives. That toll was enough to drive research & development and easier healthcare solutions. The fact that several mobile health, e-health, diagnostics, and remote health startups and companies are able to respond during a real epidemic is encouraging. With thousands of deaths already, we expect to see numerous new companies offering technology-driven solutions to help doctors, nurses, other health workers, and the larger public.

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