Discover 5 Top Solutions impacting the FMCG Sector Post-COVID

Curious about new technological advancements in the FMCG sector? Explore our analysis of 520 global startups & scaleups and learn how their solutions impact your business post-COVID!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into the FMCG industry. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked startups developing post-COVID solutions.

Global Startup Heat Map: 5 Top Startups developing post-COVID Solutions

The 5 startups developing post-COVID solutions you will explore below are chosen based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, and relevance of technology, among others. This analysis is based on the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 1.3 million startups & scaleups globally.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 5 startups & scaleups our Innovation Researchers curated for this report. Moreover, you get insights into regions that observe a high startup activity and the global geographic distribution of the 520 companies we analyzed for this specific topic.


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Who are the other 515 Startups developing post-COVID solutions?


KaiosID provides a Product Identification Solution

The coronavirus pandemic has increased the importance of brand transparency and product traceability. Consumers want to know more about their food and products they use, they pay attention to the origin of ingredients and to where and how the products were processed. FMCG companies, therefore, leverage solutions to meet the transparency demand to improve customer satisfaction and drive sales.

Swiss startup KaiosID offers a smart and secure software identification solution that protects brands and enables consumer trust. Through digital printing, the startup’s solution is fully integrated into the design of each product’s package or label and can easily be scanned and identified with a smartphone. The startup’s solution authenticates, tracks, and traces products. This protects brands’ reputations, establishes a close relationship with their clients, and guarantees consumer safety.

GreenChoice develops a Software Solution to search for Healthy Products

Healthy products have gained even more popularity during the COVID-19 outbreak. Consumers avoid products and ingredients with negative health consequences and prefer food and beverages that improve everyday performance and general well-being. Allergen-free and gluten-free products, as well as plant-based proteins, become a part of an everyday diet, thus, FMCG companies broaden their product range to meet consumers’ demand.

The US-based startup GreenChoice develops a software solution to search for sustainable & healthy goods. Consumers search and scan products to compare their impact on health and the environment, as well as apply filters to see only products that match their personal dietary needs and values. FMCG companies provide data about their products which are complemented with research and data from government agencies, third-party certifiers, and NGOs. Consequently, this data is used to evaluate the products’ impact on customers’ health and the environment.

Commerce.js offers Headless Commerce Solutions

To adapt to a shift in customer behavior caused by the pandemic, many FMCG companies need to quickly switch to online sales and eCommerce. Headless commerce is a fast and interesting technological solution to this challenge. With the separation of the front end and back end of an eCommerce application, companies obtain the freedom to build whatever and however they want to enrich the customer experience.

The Canadian startup Commerce.js provides FMCG companies with APIs and dashboards to design, build, and control their eCommerce business. The solution includes product displays, unique cart, and checkout designs, as well as enables companies to focus on the frontend implementation, while the startup maintains and scales the backend APIs. This architecture optimizes customer experiences and increases conversions.

Kaizen provides Direct-to-Consumer (DTC or D2C) Solutions

Direct-to-Consumer distribution gained popularity during the Coronavirus pandemic. With the increasing demand for online purchasing, FMCG companies adapt accordingly and target end-consumers directly. This enables brands to get control over their supply chain, be in charge of all processes and provide a streamlined customer experience.

The Turkish startup Kaizen provides D2C solutions to connect FMCG brands with customers. The startup builds digital services including native apps, web apps, and digital voice assistants. The solutions are integrated with new channels orchestrated from Kaizen’s Pera Cloud Platform and enable companies to fulfill orders with assistants and manage commerce activities. In addition, it also integrates smart marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and consumer behavior analysis to improve brand-customer relations and maximize satisfaction.

Radaro builds On-demand Delivery Solutions

There has been a considerable rise in on-demand delivery since March 2020. The stay-at-home lifestyle and concerns about health demand greater convenience and efficiency especially when it comes to getting food, cosmetics, and other consumer packaged goods (CPGs). Delivering these goods to customers’ doorsteps on time has become even more crucial to be a successful FMCG player.

Australian startup Radaro offers an enterprise technology Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that helps companies dispatch, track and report on their logistics or service operations. Powered by cloud technology and smartphones, the solution features a live logistics management portal, driver app, and customer notifications. The startup creates an engaging last-mile experience on the front end while improving efficiencies and visibility on the back end. This enables companies to improve business performance and boost profits.

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