Explore the 10 Top Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2023

How did the covid pandemic impact the development of healthcare technologies? Discover 10 hand-picked Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2023 in this report & learn how their solutions, spanning diagnostics, cold plasma technology, wearables-based monitoring & more, will impact your business!

Global Startup Heat Map highlights 10 Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2023

Through the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, which covers over 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally, we identified 1511 healthcare startups. The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 10 healthcare startups you should watch in 2023 as well as the geo-distribution of all 1511 startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Based on the heat map, we see high startup activity in the US and India, followed by Europe. These healthcare startups work on solutions ranging from VR training and diagnostics to living organ systems and genome analytics.

10 Top Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2023

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As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to identify relevant technologies and industry trends quickly & exhaustively. Based on the data from the platform, the Top 5 Healthcare Startup Hubs are located in New York City, London, San Francisco, Bangalore & Boston. The 10 hand-picked startups highlighted in this report are chosen from all over the world and develop solutions for diagnostics, cold plasma technology, wearables-based monitoring, and medical drone delivery.

10 Top Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2023

Advances in digital health technologies, AI-driven diagnostic tools, personalized medicine, and telehealth services are dramatically reshaping patient care and outcomes. Startups and emerging companies offer novel solutions to tackle complex healthcare problems – both by disrupting traditional practices and fostering new innovation. This expedites research, improves access to healthcare services, and makes treatments more efficient as well as less invasive. The impact of these solutions also enhances administrative workflows and medical training using novel tools. However, this wave of innovation also brings new challenges such as data privacy and regulatory compliance. Innovative healthcare companies transform the healthcare industry to build more patient-centric, efficient, and equitable medical practices.


GoodLeven accelerates Genome Analytics

Indian startup GoodLeven provides genome analytics solutions for personalized medicine and advanced diagnostics. It develops a gene variant analysis platform that analyzes and reports gene mutations and targeted therapies for various diseases. This includes cancer, neonatal disorders, reproductive medicine, and inherited syndromes. The platform also integrates with external data sources and knowledge bases to deliver actionable insights for clinical decision-making. GoodLeven empowers individual wellness, clinical and translational research, and genome data logistics.

ZappCare facilitates Medical Drone Delivery

US-based startup ZappCare delivers medical supplies, emergency kits, and fresh food to tribal nations and underserved communities using unmanned aircraft. The startup’s mobile app enables patients to order, track, and receive deliveries in a fast and convenient way. ZappCare provides immediate access to healthcare and improves the quality of life for rural tribes.

Prudent offers AI-based HACs Diagnosis

Canadian startup Prudent builds advanced healthcare software that finds under-reported hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) and simplifies their analysis and reporting. It combines AI and natural language processing (NLP) to identify hidden and unreported cases of pressure injuries, falls, infections, medications, and more. The startup’s software also uses data from clinical notes and patient records. The startup’s PS360 platform delivers enhanced workflows and data-driven decisions for patient safety management. Further, it offers role-based access, a dashboard, reports, collaborative investigations, and comprehensive analytics. Prudent improves patient safety by helping hospitals streamline data from various sources and identify risks and safety hazards early.

Rhisa provides Medical Imaging Datasets

French startup Rhisa provides enriched, qualitative, and legally exploitable medical imaging datasets for healthcare innovation. It partners with health institutions to structure, anonymize and valorize their health data while considering privacy and GDPR regulations. The startups’ datasets are ready to train, test, and validate AI algorithms. It is representative of different sources and geographical specificities. In this way, Rhisa accelerates medical innovation and improves patient outcomes with high-quality medical data.

Plasma TechMED leverages Cold Plasma Technology

Italian startup Plasma TechMED develops innovative devices based on cold plasma technology for the biomedical sector. Its EyeR is a medical device to treat infectious keratitis, an eye infection that leads to blindness. The device uses cold plasma to disinfect the eye from viruses, fungi, and bacteria, and to regenerate and heal the tissues. EyeR enables a fast, safe, and painless treatment that does not interact with other drugs. This reduces the cost of treatment and the risks of conventional therapies.




Pebble Biotechnology Laboratories develops Living Organ Systems

UK-based startup Pebble Biotechnology Laboratories provides alternatives to animal experimentation via ex-vivo organ and tissue perfusion. It evaluates therapies, devices, and biomedical materials in physiological environments that restore organ and tissue function. The startup also creates pathophysiological environments that closely mimic injury and disease and monitors them in real-time. PBL offers a range of services from contract research to technology partnerships to accelerate innovations in healthcare, without the need for experimentation on animals.

SkillUP delivers Healthcare VR Training

Norwegian startup SkillUP leverages VR-gamified technology for healthcare training and treatment. It creates advanced training simulations in collaboration with hospitals and medical practitioners to enable safer healthcare procedures and results. The technology offers immersive and intuitive scenario-based individual and team training with real-time interaction and conversations. Further, the startup offers a learning management system to track, manage feedback, and report. SkillUP allows healthcare organizations to improve patient outcomes, reduce errors, and optimize resources.

Nostics enables Data-driven Diagnostics

Dutch startup Nostics offers a platform for rapid and reliable diagnostics of bacteria and fungi. It utilizes surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), advanced nanotechnology, and AI to detect and identify pathogenic species within minutes. The platform provides the results without the need for lab infrastructure or expert users. The startup also provides a portable device, single-use SERS chips, and a cloud-based digital platform. Nostics solutions empower primary care providers and diagnostics labs as well as research and biopharma development.

SOXAI makes a Non-invasive Health Monitoring Ring

Japanese startup SOXAI develops the SOXAI Ring, a smart ring to analyze various health data such as sleep, stress, oxygen level, activity, and skin temperature. It accurately measures vital signs using optical, temperature, acceleration, and gyro sensors. The SOXAI Ring also features wireless charging and waterproofing. SOXAI thus improves wearer well-being and productivity by collecting and providing data insights in a non-invasive manner.

LAVAA builds a Chronic Disease Early Warning System

Israeli startup LAVAA creates a digital health platform that enables healthcare professionals to prevent chronic illness, improve patient outcomes, and lower healthcare costs. It leverages machine learning (ML) algorithms to integrate existing electronic health records (EHRs) and clinical systems. Then, it provides useful data insights and clinical decision support to medical practitioners. LAVAA enables the creation of personalized care programs for the early detection and prevention of a wide range of chronic, oncological, and mental health conditions.

Discover All Emerging Healthcare Startups

The healthcare startups showcased in this report are only a small sample of all startups we identified through our data-driven startup scouting approach. Download our free Healthcare Innovation Report for a broad overview of the industry or get in touch for quick & exhaustive research on the latest technologies & emerging solutions that will impact your company in 2023!

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