Discover 5 Top Cloud Computing Startups impacting Pharma Companies

Curious about new technological advancements in the pharma industry? Explore our analysis of 424 global cloud computing startups impacting pharma and learn how their solutions advance your business!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into the pharma industry. This time, you get to discover five hand-picked cloud computing startups impacting pharma companies.

Out of 424, the Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Top Cloud Computing Startups impacting Pharma Companies

The insights of this data-driven analysis are derived from the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 2 093 000+ startups & scaleups globally. The platform gives you an exhaustive overview of emerging technologies & relevant startups within a specific field in just a few clicks.

The Global Startup Heat Map below reveals the distribution of the 424 exemplary startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Further, it highlights five cloud computing startups that we hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. You get to explore the solutions of these five startups & scaleups in this report. For insights on the other 419 cloud computing solutions for pharma companies, get in touch with us.


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POC Pharma improves Pharma Customer Engagement

Founding Year: 2019
Location: Hong Kong
Use this solution for Pharmaceutical Sales Channel Management

POC Pharma is a Hong Kong-based startup that provides a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customer engagement platform for pharmaceutical companies. It maps customer profiles and tracks sales activities. The platform also improves customer engagement through its digital go-to-market (GTM) model that allows pharma companies to use omnichannel promotions for their products. Additional workflow integrations on the platform include trade and order management which enables pharma companies to digitize and streamline sales.

Curavit enables Decentralized Clinical Trials

Founding Year: 2019
Location: Boston, US
Reach out for Virtual Clinical Trials

Curavit is a US-based virtual contract research organization (VCRO) that conducts decentralized clinical trials. Its platform, DCT, allows users to manage different aspects of clinical trials such as patient recruitment, consent and enrollment, and remote trial data monitoring. The platform then analyzes the patient data at the end of the trials to generate reports for pharmaceutical organizations to study the findings. This enables pharma companies to access clinical trial data without expensive physical trials.

Empiric Logic provides Cloud-based Phenotypic Analysis

Founding Year: 2018
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Partner for Genomic Data Interpretation

Irish startup Empiric Logic offers a cloud-based bioinformatics platform for pharmaceutical and biotech organizations. The platform’s AI-enabled analytics allows users to manage, curate, and interpret genomics and phenotypic data. This data further drives exome, multi-omic, and whole-genome analysis to advance pharma research. The startup thus enables pharma companies to access crucial healthcare data on a centralized platform which assists in developing new therapeutics and precision medication.

ClinicaRx offers Digital Health Services

Founding Year: 2016
Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Collaborate with ClinicaRx for Personalized Pharmaceutical Services

ClinicaRx is a Brazilian startup that develops a cloud-based platform to provide digital health services for pharmacies. It allows users to create health points across various stages such as business planning, patient care, and result analysis. These health points enable companies to provide personalized pharmaceutical services like vaccinations, quick checkups, blood testing, and more. Customers use the startup’s smartphone app to connect with partner outlets to use these services. This enables pharmacies to provide their customers with easy access to primary medical services and ensure patient safety.

thrivor simplifies Clinical Trial Management

Founding Year: 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Work with thrivor for Participant Management

Australian startup thrivor provides a cloud-based platform and mobile application to manage clinical trial appointments. Pharmaceutical companies and researchers conduct medical trials and studies that require immense administrative work from scheduling appointments to handing out payments to participants. The startup’s online portal allows pharma companies to better manage appointment scheduling and also offers a direct communication channel with trial participants. Meanwhile, its smartphone app provides participants with appointment information and allows them to receive direct payments for the trials. This enables pharmaceutical companies to improve clinical trial management and increase recruitment through online channels.

Discover more Pharma Startups

Pharma startups such as the examples highlighted in this report focus on decentralized clinical trials, bioinformatics, patient engagement, omic technologies, and precision medicine. While all of these technologies play a major role in advancing the pharma industry, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. To explore pharma technologies in more detail, simply let us look into your areas of interest. For a more general overview, download our free Pharma Innovation Report to save your time and improve strategic decision-making.

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