5 Top Customer Experience Solutions Impacting the FMCG Sector

Curious about new technological advancements in the FMCG sector? Explore our analysis of 1.086 global customer experience startups & scaleups and learn how their solutions impact your business!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked startups developing customer experience solutions.

Global Startup Heat Map: 5 Top Customer Experience Solutions

The 5 customer experience solutions you will explore below are chosen based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, and relevance of technology, among others. This analysis is based on the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 1.3 million startups & scaleups globally.

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the 5 customer experience startups & scaleups our Innovation Researchers curated for this report. Moreover, you get insights into regions that observe a high startup activity and the global geographic distribution of the 1.086 companies we analyzed for this specific topic.


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ARC Rewards – Gamification

Gamification plays a key role in establishing a continuous connection with customers. More and more FMCG companies are leveraging gamification solutions to increase engagement in their customer community and provide a better customer experience. Customers are motivated to make contributions in the form of posting reviews, buying more products, and participating in discussions in order to get rewarded. Utilizing gamification solutions FMCG companies also raise their brand awareness and get access to relevant customer data.

Canadian startup ARC Rewards offers an engagement platform for customer loyalty programs. The platform integrates a leveling system with built-in achievements, purchase loot, and tiered reward structures, allowing customers to progress through loyalty maps and reach milestones. The platform focuses on implementing core motivational drives that engage customers to shop more and get better experiences.

RealityBLU – Augmented Reality (AR)

AR technology is a game-changer in providing a great customer experience in the FMCG industry. AR-enabled solutions give brands an opportunity to allow consumers to interact three-dimensionally with products on their mobile devices. Virtual try-on solutions remove uncertainty from decision-making. AR-based interactive packaging enables consumers to scan their packaging to get more information on the product and even play interactive games.

The US-based startup RealityBlu offers augmented reality-based solutions for FMCG companies. The startup’s solutions use AR to enrich printing materials with additional product details, customer engagement campaigns, and personalized videos, audio, and product demos. These solutions enable customers to better interact with companies, ask questions, and provide feedback. The startup also offers a unique shopping experience through ​packaging as a portal, enhancing packaging to offer coupons and incentives, provide nutritional data and other information and upsell related products and services.

Origin Food – Blockchain

Blockchain applications are not limited to cryptocurrency and smart contracts only. FMCG companies also benefit a lot from using blockchain to improve customer experience. Blockchain enables improvements in product transparency and visibility which lead to better customer satisfaction. Consumers are able to trace and verify the origin of goods allowing companies to gain increased trust.

Swiss startup Origin Food offers a blockchain-based platform for FMCG companies. The platform enables monitoring and controlling the flow of materials or payments at the very source of the value chain. This facilitates compliance to chosen brand claims that enables downstream value addition by customers.

SnatchBot – Chatbots

With the increasing demand for convenience, consumers now expect FMCG companies to be in contact 24/7. Companies use chatbots to meet this demand. Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze the customer’s question and deliver a response. Chatbots allow brands to serve customers even outside business hours and provide a better customer experience.

Israeli startup SnatchBot offers an omnichannel chatbot builder platform for businesses and developers. SnatchBot’s tools support the entire lifecycle of a bot, from developing and testing to deploying, publishing, hosting, tracking, and monitoring. The bots employ NLP, ML, and voice recognition to make sense of the queries. The platform provides administrative features and scalable and enterprise-grade security that complies with all regulatory mandates.

Analog & Tech – Interactive Packaging

Quick response (QR) code and near-field communication (NFC) enables FMCG companies to encourage interaction between brands and customers. These technologies enable interactive packaging, make a better first impression, and generate a positive product experience. More and more companies are using interactive packaging to provide their customers with a digital experience, drive customer engagement, and improve brand loyalty.

Swedish start-up Analog & Tech uses the Internet of Things (IoT) to strengthen the connection between products and consumers. The startup develops smart packaging, providing brands with new ways to engage with consumers. It enables brands to take ownership of the relationship with consumers and adds value to the product itself allowing new digital touchpoints to interact with smartphones, wearables, and other devices.

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